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Der Grenzkonflikt am Rio San Juan – The truths that Costa Rica hides – Las verdades que Costa Rica oculta

Offizielle Erklärung der Regierung Nicaraguas

The State Council, in the defense of peace and sovereignty, and the constitutional institutions of the Republic of Nicaragua make available to the people of Nicaragua and to the international community ample information that permits to illustrate the scope of the dispute created by Costa Rica as of October 22, 2010.

The content of this compendium of information permits to easily establish judgments of value on the truths that Costa Rica hides and, moreover, to identify that its pretension is, again, to cut off part of the territory of Nicaragua as occurred in different episodes of our history.

The truths that Costa Rica hides are expressed in the historical, legal, environmental order and aspects that are today binding, such as those referring to the incidence of drug trafficking in the State policies of the Government of Costa Rica and the pretended propagandization of an aggression by Nicaragua, which is totally false. On the contrary, there is sufficient evidence that Nicaragua is the offended party.




Costa Rica says that Nicaragua invaded its territory militarily. FALSE!

Costa Rica says that Nicaragua invaded and illegally occupies Calero Island. FALSE!

Costa Rica affirms that the Army of Nicaragua continues to violate its sovereignty. FALSE!

Costa Rica says that we are attacking and that we are putting regional peace and security at risk. FALSE!

Costa Rica says that “peaceful Costa Rican citizens” were captured by the Army of Nicaragua. FALSE!

Costa Rica says that it does not have an army. FALSE!

Costa Rica says that Nicaragua has caused and is causing to environmental damage to the flora and fauna in its territory. FALSE!

Costa Rica says that Nicaragua does not have the right to dredge the San Juan River. FALSE!

Costa Rica says that we do not have the right to navigate in the Colorado River. FALSE!

Costa Rica presents itself as a country that promotes peace and democracy. FALSE!

Costa Rica argued that the OAS was the competent organization to know these facts. FALSE!

Costa Rica sells itself as a country that promotes human rights. FALSE!


El Consejo de los poderes de Estado en defensa de la Paz y la Soberanía y las instituciones de origen constitucional de la República de Nicaragua ponen a disposición del pueblo nicaragüense y la comunidad internacional, amplia información que permite ilustrar los alcances de la controversia generada por Costa Rica, a partir del 22 de octubre del año 2010.

El contenido de este compendio de información, permite con facilidad establecer juicios de valor sobre las verdades que Costa Rica oculta, y más aún, identificar que su pretensión es, nuevamente, cercenar parte del territorio de Nicaragua a como en distintos episodios de nuestra historia ha ocurrido.

Las verdades que Costa Rica oculta se expresan en el orden histórico, jurídico, medioambiental, y aspectos hoy vinculantes como son los referidos a la incidencia del narcotráfico en políticas de Estado del Gobierno de Costa Rica y la pretendida propagandización de una agresión de Nicaragua, lo que es totalmente falso, por el contrario, hay suficientes evidencias que es Nicaragua la parte ofendida.